AMC Boston Paddlers Community Forums

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[Closed] Welcome Aboard!

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Marty Jensen
Posts: 11
Member Admin
Topic starter

We're excited to provide the Boston Paddling community with a place to discuss paddling of all types with other members who share your passion for paddle sports!

The forums are public to browse, but you must register on the site if you wish to post to the discussion boards.

There are a few basic rules you should know and follow. We don't want to over-moderate or create an atmosphere where people are afraid to share so we will treat you as a responsible adult.

Keep it civil!

This isn't Twitter or Facebook - we don't want to see name-calling, bullying, or other rude behavior. Keep your language PG-13. Be respectful of the opinions of others.

Keep it on-topic!

This is a paddling community and we hope to see discussions of interest to that community. Unless your cat has learned to paddle, we don't need cat videos posted here.

Please! No Private Trip Posts!

We exist as a volunteer group with the AMC to organize AMC volunteer-led trips. As part of our charter, we can't allow members to use our resources to organize private trips, meet-ups, or ad hoc paddles. We encourage you to go out and paddle with friends - just don't use these forums to plan your trip.

Keep it honest!

We frown on trolls and bots. We don't share your email address with others and members cannot see other members' email addresses by default. In return, we ask that you register with a valid, personal email address so we can contact you with any issues.

Our forums, our rules!

We will remove posts that don't live up to our standards and we will ban users who abuse the forums or threaten, harass, or bully other members.


That's it .. pretty simple. 

So, welcome to the forums! Have fun and enjoy!


This topic was modified 4 years ago by Marty Jensen
Posted : 12/08/2020 3:47 pm
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