AMC Boston Paddlers Community Forums

White Water
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Welcome to the Community!

Here you will find forums and message boards open to our community members. Anyone is free to browse the forums, but you must be a registered user to post.

The AMC Boston Paddling Committee is organized under the AMC's volunteer leadership program. We exist to offer trips to members and the general public through the AMC and under AMC guidelines and rules, including a requirement to list trips in the AMC's activity database and register participants under an AMC waiver.

Because of these requirements, we cannot support or allow members to organize ad-hoc trips through our community forums. Posts suggesting meet-ups or last-minute paddles will be removed by our moderators.

We encourage our members to get outdoors and enjoy our waters - whether on their own or on AMC-led trips. But we would ask that you look to MeetUp, Facebook Groups or other forums to organize trips with your paddling friends.

Thanks for your understanding on this!

Welcome aboard!

White Water

White Water

White Water General Message Board (1 viewing)

Discussions on topics of general interest to white water paddlers.
Forum Participants
Conrad Nuthmann

White Water Gear Board

Discussions related to boats, paddles, PFDs and other gear for the white water paddler.
Forum Participants
Marty Jensen
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